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Success Stories

Sindy shared this with us during her mission: “I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your work and effort in making these amazing videos. I was baptized a couple of years ago in Hungary, and now I’m serving on a mission in Japan. It’s kind of crazy, but while sometimes I still have many questions about the church and belief, your videos have helped me so much. So basically, I just wanted to ask you never to stop making videos. They have helped me and many of the people we are teaching and even companions.”

We first got in contact with Leonardo when he was tagged by his girlfriend on our channel (Mais Fé). We helped him throughout his faith journey to his baptism. We encouraged them to get married and sealed in the temple. His girlfriend had two children from her previous marriage, and she needed her ex-husbad’s agreement for their children to get sealed to her and Leonardo, which seemed almost impossible at the moment. We continued to support Leonardo on the covenant path, including his first temple visit, answering his questions, and sharing our testimony through regular chats and a video call. A miracle happened, and they got sealed in the temple.

Sharkir was born in Pakistan as a Muslim. His wife, who had gone to Christian churches before, found our Pakistan team channel, learned more about our church and got baptized. Soon after, the couple found out that the wife was finally pregnant after many failed attempts with years of visits to different clinics. Sharkir saw this as a miracle from her baptis and wanted to learn more about the Church. Our Pakistan team became a good friend to him and supported his search for the truth. Sharkir traveled to Los Angeles to get baptized but was counseled not to get baptized in the U.S. because of political sensitivity. Disappointed but still thankful for the restored gospel, he went to Canada and finally got approved to get baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Antonio began watching our Italy team’s videos on YouTube and felt the Spirit testifying there is God. He wanted to know more, so he contacted us asking questions and wanted a copy of The Book of Mormon. The team connected him with the missionaries. Antonio began to go to Church, which meant driving two hours every Sunday. His partner Antonia also began to listen to the missionaries and attend church with him. After a year, they married and finally got baptized. At the baptism, Antonion expressed gratitude to our Italian team for their videos, friendship, and the sincere way they shared their testimonies. A year later, the couple got sealed in the Rome temple for time and eternity.

Sandra contacted our Philippines team after she watched their TikTok videos. She wanted to receive a copy of The Book of Mormon, and we used the member tools app to find the missionaries in her area and connect them. Even though she wasn’t familiar with the scriptures and their languages, she felt and recognized peace and comfort. Over the next three months, we regularly talked to her, answered her questions, and encouraged her to enter the covenant path. Sandra told us that her colleagues see her reading the Book of Mormon after every break at work. We were so happy when she finally entered the waters of baptism.

HaeGwan saw our Korean online content and started learning about the Church and The Book of Mormon with great interest from our channel. He then searched for the Church meetinghouse nearby, visited and met with missionaries there, and got baptized about a month and a half later. This story was featured in the official church’s Korean newsroom site.

Charles, who found the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and joined the Church in the Democratic Republic of the Congo thanks to our French team’s online missionary efforts, has worked closely with our French team to share the gospel with his neighbors in Goma despite many challenges. On July 30, 2023, the first branch in Goma was organized, and Charles was called to serve as the first branch president. 66 people participated in the opening of the branch.

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